18 East Chase Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202 (410) 727-1112

The Spring Garden Rocks!

Without using the “S” word, let us just say that this winter’s significant, ahem, ‘fluid’ accumulation has been great for the gardens! Everyone notices and comments on how incredible everything looks. Who could want for more! —David

The entrance garden is looking fantastic, including this second year-hosta that’s already three feet across! The common name for the reddish-green leaved Heuchera next to it is ‘coral bells’, but these flowers look like little faeries to me!

This is the fourth year of the Great Perennial Change-Over from planting all annuals, and the new plants are all integrating beautifully. The lo
vely silver and green leaves belong to Lamiastrum, surrounded by Hosta, Dicentra Spectabilis (common name, “bleeding hearts”), and Heuchera (common name, “coral bells”). This grouping is in the ceremony garden, on the hillside along the brick walk.

My intention in the ceremony garden has been to create a ‘clearing in the forest’ look. With the help of a gardening neighbor and lots of books, I started planting carefully-chosen perennials with a broad range of textures, colors, shapes and sizes. It’s worked wonderfully! Now the ceremony garden is an intimate, romantic place that really looks special. People talk about it as an oasis in the city. I think it’s transformation, like going through the wardrobe in ‘The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe’ and coming out into Narnia. I love that it keeps getting better, with –literally – a life of its own. —David

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