18 East Chase Street Baltimore, Maryland 21202 (410) 727-1112

Spring in the Chase Court Garden, Part One

Look at this Helleborus in the ceremony garden! This particular one is Helleborus nigercors ‘Snow Love’. The common name for this plant is Lenten Rose, since it comes up in late winter (hence, ‘Snow Love’) and maintains its bloom for several months. This particular variety has white flowers that fade to green (as do all Helleborus flowers.)

We have a whole bank of Helleborus in the ceremony garden, almost three dozen in different shapes and colors and sizes, and more under the holly trees in the entrance garden (I decided a while back to name the gardens for what they do rather than where they are. It sounds better, too). Our Helleborus are just spectacular in the early season, and look great all the way through the fall. Guests see these gardens year-round, so we make sure there’s always something interesting to see!

I know this isn’t a garden blog, but I couldn’t resist showing you this detail! Note the ant… —David

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