It’s the middle of March, and the Chase Court garden is starting to show it’s spring colors! The apricot tree started to bloom a couple of days ago, and it is gorgeous!
Those beautiful blossoms turn into tasty apricots just about July 4th.
The ceremony garden is already alive with activity. This big beautiful flower is Camellia Japonica April Blush. It’s been blooming, one flower at a time, for a couple of weeks.
The Helleborus have been carrying on since early February. The blooms are starting to lose their vibrant colors and fade to green, which they’ll maintain for several months.
This is Oakleaf Hydrangea (Hydrangea quercifolia), just starting to open up. As the season progresses, these shrubs become stars of the entrance garden with huge, absolutely stunning blossoms.
More soon! —David